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INHERIT on National Television!

On July 18th, INHERIT was featured in an episode of Rai1's "Noos - L'avventura della conoscenza". This national Italian TV program, hosted by Alberto Angela, focuses on disseminating science to the general public. Noos is the most watched scientific program in Italy with an average of 1.8 million viewers per episode.

In the July 18th episode on diamonds (see below), Fabrizio Nestola (INHERIT internal collaborator) discusses current and past research on super-deep diamonds. He explains how these diamonds form at depths down to 1000km and that sometimes these diamonds contain rare mineral inclusions (e.g., ringwoodite) that contain H2O. These discoveries have transformed what we know about how diamonds form and how H2O is stored in the deep Earth.

Related research on diamonds is also discussed including INHERIT research on characterizing hydrogen in diamond in an attempt to better understand the origin of H2O on planet Earth!

In addition to Fabrizio Nestola, INHERIT team members are also featured in this episode including, Martha Pamato (PI) and researchers Maxwell Day and Francesca Innocenzi.

The full 07/18/2024 Noos episode can be found at:



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