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Science4All - Padova

The INHERIT Team participated in the Science4All event on September 28/29th in Padova. Organized by the University of Padova, Science4All aims to communicate science from many different fields to the general public. More than 1000 professors, researchers and students from the University of Padova helped run dozens of interactive workshops and instructional activities for the public.

The 2024 Science4All event was a huge success attracting thousands of people from all across Italy. The INHERIT team hosted several activities on the boulevard of science in downtown Padova where participants were able to look at rocks from the mantle (xenoliths) and kimberlites. The "diamond station" was particularly popular as participants were able to look at mineral inclusions in real diamonds using a microscope.

Dr. Martha Pamato (left) teaching kids about the mantle, Dr. Francesca Innocenzi (middle) teaching a jr. geologist about how diamonds form, and Dr. Maxwell Day (right) teaching a group a jr. mineralogists about inclusions in diamond.

The Science4All volunteers from the Department of Geosciences, including several members of the INHERIT team. Left to right: Dr. Nicola Surian (director of the Department of Geosciences), Dr. Davide Novella (INHERIT), Dr. Telemaco Tesei, Dr. Francesca Innocenzi (INHERIT), Dr. Martha Pamato (PI of INHERIT), and Dr. Maxwell Day (INHERIT).



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